A destitute thug attacked a fellow-homeless man in the street over a Mamba drug debt

Pictured is New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.Pictured is New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.
Pictured is New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.
A homeless man attacked another homeless man in the street after he claimed he was owed money for the zombie drug Mamba.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Tuesday, March 13, how Wayne France, 43, of no fixed abode, was captured on CCTV grabbing his victim and he appears to punch the man and continues to throw punches at him on New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.

Prosecuting solicitor Christine Ofosu-Ampadu said: “The defendant and the victim appear to be having a dispute at a bus shelter.

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“CCTV captured the incident. The defendant is seen grabbing the victim and he has a raised hand towards the victim and the victim was walking back into the road trying to leave.

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.

“The defendant appears to punch the victim in the face and CCTV captures him following the victim and throwing punches at him and they end up in the middle of the road with passing traffic.”

Ms Ofosu-Ampadu added that France continues punching the victim in the face and a car stopped and the driver looked on as the victim is dragged to the ground.

The CCTV operator alerted police and France was arrested.

He told police the victim owed him £5 for the drug Mamba which he had sold to him and he had been trying to recover the money and he aimed to continue to pursue him for the money.

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Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.

France, who has previous convictions, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour after the incident on March 8.

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The court also confirmed that France pleaded guilty to begging in public from October, 2017.

Defence solicitor David Gittins said France has been homeless for many months and resides in the New Beetwell Street area and at the rear of the Vicar Lane shopping centre, in Chesterfield.

He said: “His life is miserable. Being outside in the current climate. He uses drugs or alcohol as way of escapism. It’s not right but we can have some level of sympathy but it should not have led to the violence on this day.”

Magistrates sentenced France to a 12 month community order with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

He was also ordered to pay an £85 victim surcharge.