Buxton student to shave off her locks to raise money for hospital after saving daughter's life

Sarah Stanton.Sarah Stanton.
Sarah Stanton.
A student is to shave off her long locks to raise money for the hospital that saved her daughter's life after she fell ill with sepsis.

Buxton & Leek College student Sarah Stanton, 28, is raising money for the University Hospital North Midlands.

Sarah will also donate her hair to the Little Princess Trust, a charity that provides real hair wigs to young people that have sadly lost their hair due to illness.

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“I am raising money for the children’s ward as my daughter was there a few years ago with sepsis and they were brilliant,” Sarah said.

“Some of the children are there for a long time and the money I raise will hopefully give them better treatment and equipment or some more toys to make their stay that bit better.”

The big shave will be on November 8 at 10am at the College Hair Salon, carried out by the principal of the college, Len Tildsley.

Sarah O’Reilly, fundraising officer at the University Hospital North Midlands, said: “We are delighted that Sarah is fundraising for University Hospitals of North Midlands Charity. It is people just like Sarah that make things better for our patients, their families and the staff who treat them.

“Fundraising helps us to provide important equipment, new facilities and pioneering research and all the important extras.”

You can donate at https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/SarahStanton10.