Chatsworth under fire over health and safety after pensioner's death

The late Frederick Bolton. Picture submitted by family.The late Frederick Bolton. Picture submitted by family.
The late Frederick Bolton. Picture submitted by family.
The family of a volunteer who died after an accident at Chatsworth say there was 'no duty of care' for him.

Frederick Bolton, 78, of Lound Road, Sheffield, died in hospital nearly a month after suffering 'catastrophic' injuries at Chatsworth International Horse Trials.

As reported yesterday, an inquest heard motorcyclist Mr Bolton was working as a volunteer collecting results during the event on May 11, 2013, when 'for some reason unknown' he took a slightly different course up a slope and crashed into a drop.

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Coroner James Newman recorded a conclusion of accidental death.

Mr Bolton's family said in a statement today: "While we have no choice but to accept the ruling, Fred did not receive the justice he deserved.

"There was no duty of care shown to Fred in his role as a volunteer.

"There were no health and safety briefings held and a 78-year-old man was allowed to volunteer for two exhausting days with no health check given.

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"We will never know why Fred chose to take the route he did.

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"We feel his judgement was impaired by tiredness; had there been an indication of impending danger he would still be here today.

"Fred suffered terribly during the three weeks following the accident and as family we are still suffering.

"We would like to take this opportunity to thank the health and safety team at Derbyshire County Council for their much-needed support and all Fred's supportive friends for their kind wishes."

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A spokesman for Chatsworth said: "Everyone at Chatsworth continues to have the deepest sympathy for Mr Bolton's family and friends and we extend our thoughts to them at this difficult time."

The Chatsworth spokesman did not comment on the health and safety concerns raised by Mr Bolton's family.