Police investigate after alleged racially aggravated term shouted at school children in Buxton

Anyone with any information should call police on 101.Anyone with any information should call police on 101.
Anyone with any information should call police on 101.
Police are appealing for information after a woman allegedly shouted a racially aggravated term at school children in Buxton.

Officers were called to Spring Gardens just before 11am today (Thursday). A 23-year-old woman was arrested on suspicion of racially aggravated public order.

Police are looking to trace the group of school children, believed to be visiting the town, and also speak to anyone who was in the Spring Gardens area at the time of the incident. The woman is described as white, of large build, and wearing a yellow high visibility jacket.

Anyone with information is asked to contact PCSO Alan Nield on 101, quoting incident number 278 of 9th March.