Dad punched two women in Buxton

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A dad has been given a suspended jail sentence for punching his ex-girlfriend and her friend in Buxton.

Damian Johnson admitted two counts of common assault and was sentenced at High Peak Magistrates’ Court last Wednesday.

The incident occurred at the 40-year-old’s ex-partner Sara Reddington’s house at Tedder Avenue, Harpur Hill, where he was staying, on November 8.

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The victim’s friend, Sara Wisniewski, was also at the house.

The court heard the three adults had spent the evening drinking, singing and dancing.

At about 8pm, Johnson, of Chippendale Place, Ashton-under-Lyne, became drunk and aggressive and Ms Reddington said she didn’t want him to stay over and started packing his bag.

He started shouting and crying.

Ms Wisniewski tried to calm him down and he swore in her face and refused to leave. The defendant swung to punch Ms Reddington in the cheek.

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Johnson then punched Ms Wisniewski and Ms Reddington in the face. The women pushed him out the back door.

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Ms Wisniewski was left with bruising, cuts and swelling to her lips.

When interviewed at the police station, Johnson answered no comment to all questions.

Prosecutor John Cooper said he had 57 previous offences to his name, including a conviction for battery in 2012.

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Johnson changed his plea to guilty on the day of the trial last month.

Russell Wild, defending, said: “It’s likely, given their history, that Damian Johnson and Sara Reddington will get back together. They have three children together and they’ve been on and off for the past 14 years.”

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Chairman of the bench Richard Lombers said: “It was an appalling incident and a custodial sentence would be justified. The reason it’s so serious is that it was quite clearly domestic, a breach of trust of your long term partner, there were two children present and two victims involved.”

Johnson was sentenced to 16 weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months. He was also ordered to comply with a 12-month supervision order and a relationship programme.

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