Derbyshire County Council doesn't plan on changing six-week summer holidays

The six-week summer holidays are coming to an end.The six-week summer holidays are coming to an end.
The six-week summer holidays are coming to an end.
Derbyshire County Council says it does not have plans to change the length of school holidays.

The authority made the comment after Nottinghamshire County Council launched a consultation asking parents for their views on plans to reduce the six-week summer break to five weeks.

A Derbyshire County Council spokesman said: "Term dates for Derbyshire schools have already been published for the next three academic years and there is currently no proposal to seek to alter our existing term time and school holiday arrangements."

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According to our online poll yesterday, 59 per cent of respondents would like to see the six-week summer break reduced.

Commenting on our Facebook page, Donna Hopkinson said: "Six weeks is far too long."

Lesley Smith said: "I think they should cut it down to four weeks and give the parents two floating weeks to take their kids on holiday instead."

Popsy Wragg said: "My kids and I really enjoy the six-week break.

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"The first bit is to recuperate and the second is to enjoy each other's company.

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"I find it invaluable for us to recharge and enjoy time as a family."

Katy Cavell said: "Something's wrong when your dying for your children to go back to the teachers.

"I can't believe how quick it's flown and I've enjoyed every bit of it!

"Six weeks makes you able to plan more family time.

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"Kids grow so fast you should all cherish this time instead of wishing it away."

In Derbyshire, term dates for the 2016-17 academic year are:

â–º September 5 , 2016, to October 21, 2016

â–º October 21, 2016, to December 20, 2016

â–º January 3, 2017, to February 10, 2017

â–º February 20, 2017, to April 7, 2017

â–º April 24, 2017, to May 26, 2017

â–º June 5, 2017, to July 21, 2017