Derbyshire police offer advice after OAP filmed driving mobility scooter on busy road

Picture: Derbyshire police.Picture: Derbyshire police.
Picture: Derbyshire police.
Derbyshire police have given advice to a pensioner after he was filmed driving his mobility scooter on a busy road.

As a result of intelligence from the community, PC Mark Atterbury has been to visit the 83 year-old man.

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PC Atterbury said: "The man had a stroke a couple of years ago and uses the scooter to remain active and to get out and about.

"Unfortunately he had been given some incorrect information about where and when he could use it that caused him to be on a road that was very unsafe for a vehicle of that type.

"Thankfully with the information we received I have been able to pay him a visit and give him the correct advice that means he will now be able to use his scooter in a safer fashion.

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"He wanted me to apologise to any of the other road users who had been concerned about his actions but is now pleased to have had the correct information."

Police advice to all mobility scooter users

- You don't need a licence to drive a mobility scooter

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- Mobility scooters come in two categories - Class 2 and Class 3 invalid carriages

- Class 2 have a maximum speed of 4mph and can't be used on a road unless there is no pavement.

- Class 3 have a maximum speed of 8mph, need to be registered, you need to be over 14 to drive one and has a set of required features including indicators, horn and rear view mirror

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-Only a Class 3 can be driven on the road and police really wouldn't recommend their use on very busy roads. Even these mustn't be used in bus lanes, 'cycle only' lanes or motorways. Officers would not recommend the use on dual carriageways but if a Class 3 is driven on a dual carriageway you must use an amber flashing light.

- If you do use a mobility scooter on a road you must follow the Highway Code.