Drink-driver was caught struggling to complete a three-point turn

A young motorist who was spotted struggling to complete a three-point turn in Chesterfield town centre was found to be three-times the drink-drive limit.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on January 17 how Bethany Jackson, 21, had been seen by police at Corporation Street and was arrested under suspicion of being unfit to drive.

Prosecuting solicitor Lynn Bickley said: “It was on December 17, about 20 minutes past midnight when police observed a vehicle pull on to a junction joining Holywell Street and parking up was a female driver a few feet from the officers.

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“A male was trying to get in the passenger door and the driver was struggling to open the door.”

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.

Mrs Bickley added that the male eventually did get in the car but the female struggled to complete a three-point turn and was braking heavily and when she was approached by police they suspected she was unfit to drive.

The court heard that Jackson registered 107microgrammes of alcohol in 100millilitres of breath when the legal limit is 35microgrammes.

Jackson, of Gower Crescent, Loundsley Green, Chesterfield, pleaded guilty to exceeding the alcohol drink-drive limit.

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Defence solicitor Paul McLeod said she had left home sober but she had been drinking but felt she was not in a position to drive and had been trying to find somewhere to park.

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Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.

Magistrates sentenced Jackson to a 12 month community order with 100 hours of unpaid work. She must also pay an £85 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

She was disqualified from driving for 26 months but this could be reduced by 28 weeks if she completes a drink-drive rehabilitation course.

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