Drug-addict stole cosmetics from chemist's while waiting for his medicine

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A drug-addict who was waiting at a pharmacy for his methadone prescription to control his addiction stole about £40 worth of goods from a cosmetics display.

Jason James, 47, of Lower Somercotes, Somercotes, struck at Somercotes Pharmacy, on Nottingham Road, and left with the goods before he could be stopped.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop told a Chesterfield magistrates’ court hearing yesterday, Wednesday, November 23: “He had gone to Somercotes Pharmacy to collect his prescription and he was always going to be identified.

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Mrs Allsop added that James was spotted taking items from the cosmetics display by a pharmacy staff member but he was not stopped and the property was not recovered.

Following his arrest, James told police he had sold the items on for £20 and believed that they had been worth between £40 and £50.

He added that he originally went into the store to collect his prescription before stealing the cosmetic items from a display.

James pleaded guilty to the theft and he also admitted failing to surrender to court for a previously scheduled hearing from November 16 when a warrant had to be issued for his arrest.

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Defence solicitor John Wilford said James does have previous convictions relating to his time in the south of England but this record had stopped in 2015.

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Mr Wilford added that James’s drug addiction is being controlled by a methadone prescription.

He also added the latest offence is something James regrets and he had acted on the spur of the moment.

District Judge Andrew Davison highlighted that James has a criminal record dating back to 1985 including custodial sentences but recognised that after living in Derbyshire for three years this is the first time he has come to the attention of the courts.

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However, he warned James that if he re-offends he will be at risk of going back into custody.

District Judge Davison fined James £80 and ordered him to pay a £30 victim surcharge, £85 costs and £40 compensation.