Drug-user was caught by police near town centre with Zombie-Drug Mamba

Pictured is New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.Pictured is New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.
Pictured is New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield.
A drug-user was caught with the Zombie-Drug Mamba after he was spotted with the class B drug in the street.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on May 16 how Kevin Fanshaw, 36, of Green Farm Close, Holme Hall, Chesterfield, was seen by a police officer on New Beetwell Street, Chesterfield, with a cigarette which contained the drug.

Prosecuting solicitor Becky Allsop said: “The drug is commonly known as Mamba. The police constable saw Fanshaw at the bus station. He had a cigarette behind his back and this was recovered and it contained Mamba with tobacco.”

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Fanshaw told police he thought it was a legal high and it had been given to him by a friend earlier in the day.

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.

Mamba is regarded by police and the courts as a psychoactive substance and has been dubbed the Zombie Drug after some of those using the substance have been found collapsed in the street.

The defendant, who has previous convictions, pleaded guilty to possessing 0.23g of EMB-FUBINACA after the incident on November 20.

Mrs Allsop explained that Fanshaw already has a conditional discharge for possessing Mamba but this relates to an offence committed after the offence on New Beetwell Street.

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She added that the drugs recovered during the New Beetwell Street offence had to be sent away for testing which created delays before he could be convicted so Fanshaw has not breached his original conditional discharge.

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Defence solicitor Denney Lau said Fanshaw’s situation has improved since he had been homeless.

Magistrates sentenced Fanshaw to a 12 month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay a £20 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

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