LETTER: Pensions - reward those who pay taxes

elderly care - oap - old ageelderly care - oap - old age
elderly care - oap - old age
Regarding reports that in recent years pensioners have benefitted financially more than younger, working people, eg the 'triple-lock' on the state pension.

Clearly this cannot continue; perhaps we can go back to the time when Gordon Brown was the Chancellor and 75p per week extra on state pensions was recommended.

Also, for those pensioners who reach the age of 80 (not everyone does), another 25p per week is loaded on their state pension.

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An extra £1 per week would be less of a drain on public finances.

Pensioners who do not continue in paid work still pay income tax on their state and other pensions, council tax, household bills, car tax and hidden taxes on petrol, insurances etc. Taxes continue to be paid by those “not working”

Also many have worked from age 15 to 65, and for 50 years have paid all taxes and national insurance contributions during that time, including the “indirect hidden taxes”.

This is conveniently overlooked by those who issue/float these reports to the government.

Steven Bullough (retired)

Ladywell Close,

Hazel Grove, Stockport

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