Lifesaving kit installed in Peak District village

Coun Richard Bennett with the new defibrillator which is fitted in Thornhill's phone box.Coun Richard Bennett with the new defibrillator which is fitted in Thornhill's phone box.
Coun Richard Bennett with the new defibrillator which is fitted in Thornhill's phone box.
A lifesaving piece of equipment has been put into place in a Derbyshire village.

Bamford with Thornhill Parish Council has helped fund the installation of a defibrillator in the redundant red phone box in Thornhill near Castleton.

In addition, the parish council has been awarded a CPR training kit by the British Heart Foundation (BHF).

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Over the next few weeks, the authority will hold training sessions in the village – meaning everyone can become potential lifesavers.

The portable defibrillator can be used by a member of the public to help restart someone’s heart when they have a cardiac arrest.

For every minute which passes without defibrillation and CPR, survival chances decrease by around ten per cent.

Parish councillor Richard Bennett said: “We are delighted to have helped fund this lifesaving package.

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“The defibrillator in our former public phone kiosk means local people have the best chance of survival should they suffer a cardiac arrest.

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“We’re keen to get as many people as possible trained in CPR as well.”

Judy O’Sullivan, assistant programme director at the BHF, said: “More than 30,000 people suffer a cardiac arrest outside of hospital every year but less than one in ten survive.

“More people could be saved if more defibrillators were available in public places and if more people felt confident using them and performing CPR.”