Motorcyclist who denies killing car driver was pinned down by pub customers

Nottingham Crown CourtNottingham Crown Court
Nottingham Crown Court
A motorcyclist who has denied killing a car driver after they had been in a dispute following a collision was pinned down by pub regulars before police arrived on the scene.

Nottingham Crown Court heard this week during an on-going trial how Colin Bailey, 30, of Stephenson Place, Clay Cross, was involved in the collision outside the Boot and Shoe Inn, on North Wingfield Road, at Grassmoor, with Stuart Bowdler, 74, who collapsed and later died.

Pub regular Stephen Keane had been in the pub playing pool when the collision happened during the evening of April 18 just before Mr Bowdler, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor, collapsed and died.

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He told the court: “Stuart pulled up to come into the car park at the pub and I carried on playing pool. I looked up after a shot and a motorbike had gone into the back of Stuart’s car.”

Pictured is the late Stuart Bowdler, 74, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor.Pictured is the late Stuart Bowdler, 74, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor.
Pictured is the late Stuart Bowdler, 74, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor.

Mr Keane added that it looked like Mr Bailey was trying to kick-start his motorcycle to get away as Mr Bowdler was trying to exchange details and he grabbed the handle bars to stop him and others joined in shouting.

Mr Bowdler collapsed soon afterwards, according to Mr Keane, and fell onto the motorcycle which fell over before he was taken to the passenger seat of his car as others started holding Mr Bailey down.

Mr Keane said: “I had his arm up his back with my knee on his back.”

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He added that Mr Bailey was held to the ground for about ten or fifteen minutes while he was shouting he had done nothing wrong before the police arrived and arrested him.

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Pictured is the late Stuart Bowdler, 74, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor.Pictured is the late Stuart Bowdler, 74, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor.
Pictured is the late Stuart Bowdler, 74, of Wingerworth Terrace, Grassmoor.

Defence barrister Simon Eckersley argued Mr Keane had not seen the collision and Mr Keane was cautioned for assault after he admitted slapping Mr Bailey around the head.

Customer Lisa Johnson said she had gone around the front of the motorcycle to help others to hold on to it because Mr Bailey had been revving the bike before it tipped over and people held Mr Bailey down.

Her partner Lee Bostock said others had pulled Mr Bailey over on the bike stopping him from moving forwards and Mr Bowdler had slid onto the spinning back wheel.

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The pub’s former landlady Carol Robson said she saw Mr Bowdler turning into the pub when Mr Bailey went into the back of his car.

Mrs Robson said: “Stuart was walking to the back of the car and the biker was on the road and tried to get up and bring the bike up.

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“Stuart got to the bike and held the handle bars and the biker had his left hand up and punched him in the right shoulder and he was swearing.”

She added: “Stuart went to the back of the car and tried to get hold of the handle bars with both hands and the biker was trying to get away revving and revving and swearing.

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“The next thing people were running out of the pub to try and stop the biker getting away. At this point I went into the pub to call 999 for the police and an ambulance.”

Mrs Robson said she helped Mr Bowdler into a passenger seat of his car and someone else gave him CPR before paramedics and the police arrived.

Prosecuting barrister James Thomas said tests showed Mr Bailey was riding under the influence of cocaine and cannabis and the motorcycle had no MOT, insurance or a rear number plate.

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He added Mr Bowdler has a history of significant cardiac disease and was at risk of a heart attack which could have been magnified by any stressful situation.

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Defence barrister Mr Eckersley argued that Mrs Robson had been exaggerating about Mr Bailey’s behaviour and claimed Mr Bowdler had been swearing which she denied.

Mr Bailey, who is currently living at a bail address on Duke Street, in Grimsby, has pleaded not guilty to manslaughter and committing assault occasioning actual bodily harm during the incident.

He has also denied possessing heroin with intent to supply and possessing cocaine with intent to supply after drugs were found but Mr Eckersley has suggested during the trial that the drugs were planted on the defendant.

The trial continues.

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