Naked love rat smashed-up estranged wife's car

Chesterfield magistrates' court.Chesterfield magistrates' court.
Chesterfield magistrates' court.
A cheating husband who was desperate to get back with his estranged wife turned up at her home naked before smashing her car and her front door.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, February 17, how desperate Richard Barnett, 47, of Queen Street, Waingroves, Ripley, also managed to get inside his wife’s home on Waingroves Road, Waingroves, where he cut his wrist with a shard of glass.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam said: “The relationship had been fine but the complainant found out her husband had had affairs and this caused problems. She said they separated and he had turned up with flowers and things were getting back on track.

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“But on this occasion, she was on the phone and heard banging on the front door and the defendant was outside and asking her to pass him tablets and that he had taken his clothes off and he was freezing.

“He was naked and she said put your clothes on and leave and stop being silly. He posted a phone through the letter box and she passed it back and he then picked up a wheelie bin and hit her vehicle with it.”

Miss Haslam added that the complainant also heard a smash at the front door before the defendant came into her home and used a shard from a broken glass to cut his own wrist.

Barnett, who is a retail management student, fully accepts damaging the car and the door but told police he was drunk and desperate to get his wife back because he loves her.

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The court heard how the complainant’s Citroen CV suffered a smashed windscreen and damaged bodywork and the door to her home was completely smashed and the carpet was covered in blood.

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Barnett pleaded guilty to damaging the car and damaging the door after the incident on January 30.

Defence solicitor Nick Wright said: “Mr Barnett has requested that he be given a chance to woo his wife in the hope they could get back together but I have had to tell him she wants a restraining order imposed.

“He fully regrets causing the damage.”

Magistrates adjourned the case until March 16 for sentencing.

Barnett was released on conditional bail providing he does not contact his wife or go to Waingroves Road.

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