We are flying the Green Flags

It’s excellent that Sheffield has increased its number of Green Flag awards by a further four parks to a total of 22. At the last council meeting Labour councillors claimed the awards are ‘fancy awards that cost a lot of money’. Nothing could be further from the truth.

It’s excellent that Sheffield has increased its number of Green Flag awards by a further four parks to a total of 22. At the last council meeting Labour councillors claimed the awards are ‘fancy awards that cost a lot of money’. Nothing could be further from the truth.

They confirm Sheffield’s reputation as the greenest city in the country and help attract new visitors.

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When we ran the council we twice had to cancel Labour plans to build on part of Graves Park. Now, thanks to extra investment we put in, the number of green spaces with a Green Flag award has more than doubled and we have more awards than any other Yorkshire council!

But, the real praise needs to go to the ‘Friends of’ groups. Without their hard work, none of this would be possible. Sheffield has a great legacy of green and open spaces – I just hope the new council continues to protect it.

Coun Ian Auckland, Lib Dem environment spokesman

Withdrawal of bus service

The proposed withdrawal of part of the 120 bus service which serves the Westminster Estate at Lodge Moor is a disgrace and apparently totally ignores the petition of 600 signatures from people opposed to this change.

It also totally disregards the many elderly people, many with mobility problems, who will now be virtually housebound due to this service being discontinued.

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It is incorrect to say there is an alternative service provided as for those with hospital appointments the No 51 bus does not pass the Hallamshire Hospital, and many cannot manage the fairly lengthy walk to reach the No 40 bus stop.

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Stagecoach and First bus companies who have colluded in the termination of this extended service to the Westminster Estate should be ashamed of themselves as once again we are seeing profit being put before local people.

Susan I Richardson, Westminster Crescent, Lodge Moor, S10

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