Mark 'launches' his new book down at the pub

Author Mark Eklid signs copies of his new book Sunbeam at The Knight's Table.Author Mark Eklid signs copies of his new book Sunbeam at The Knight's Table.
Author Mark Eklid signs copies of his new book Sunbeam at The Knight's Table.
A thrilling tale of suspense unfolded at The Knights’ Table at Quarnford, near Buxton when author Mark Eklid staged an impromptu book signing in the bar.

Carole Knight, the pub landlady, said: ‘A bunch of authors had booked a table for a meal and then one of them produced his latest book Sunbeam.

“I am a big reader and love books, so purchased a copy on the spot.

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“I hadn’t expected a book signing session – it was just spontaneous.

Mark, 57, added: ‘It was great to soft launch the book in such a laid back setting.

“The Knights’ Table was a historic boozer and Sir Gawain the knight even got his hands on a copy of the book as you can see from the photograph.

“I’ve written millions of words down the years, but this is my first novel.

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Among the authors in attendance was Stafford Hildred, who has written 36 books, but his best seller was his first – the authorised life story of actor David Jason.

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Stafford said: “I wish Mark well with the venture – the book would be an ideal Christmas present.”

Sunbeam features central character John Baldwin on a downward spiral of self-destruction after witnessing his best friend Stef being knifed to death.

A year to the day of the murder Stef reappears and this ghost of near Christmas past sets John on a fresh path towards redemption.

But as John rebuilds his life there is a price to pay as Stef wants revenge on his killer still on the loose.

Sunbeam is available at £7.99 via Amazon and all good bookshops.

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