Policing operation in High Peak to tackle domestic abuse over festive period

The policing operation aims to help prevent, detect, protect and reduce incidents of domestic abuse.The policing operation aims to help prevent, detect, protect and reduce incidents of domestic abuse.
The policing operation aims to help prevent, detect, protect and reduce incidents of domestic abuse.
Police have launched an operation in the High Peak to target domestic abuse and alcohol-fuelled violence over the Christmas period.

The operation, which runs until the New Year, will see extra resources put in place to provide additional response to reports of domestic abuse, and patrols to target town centres during the busier Christmas party season.

It is aimed at helping prevent, detect, protect and reduce incidents of domestic abuse, which can increase at this time of year.

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Inspector Nick Reason, who is in charge of policing in the High Peak, said: “We would like to raise awareness of domestic abuse at a significant time of the year.

“We will have officers on the streets and will be available to respond to reports of domestic abuse amongst other crimes, including alcohol fuelled violence.

“Officers will provide extra support in order to ensure our communities remain safe over the festive period.”

As part of the initiative, pubs and clubs in the area have been asked to display posters promoting domestic abuse support services.

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Residents are also being encouraged to download a free personal safety app, HollieGuard, to their smart phones to help them feel safe in vulnerable situations.

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The HollieGuard app can track a person’s location, and if they feel unsafe they can shake their phone to warn their contacts that they might be in danger.

It will then record both audio and visual footage of what is happening, and if the phone is shaken again, a flashing light and high pitched alarm will sound.

For help in an emergency, always dial 999, otherwise police can be contacted via the non-emergency 101 number.

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People can also contact the 24/7 Derbyshire Domestic Abuse Helpline on 08000 198 668 or the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247.

More information is also available on the National Domestic Violence Helpline’s website www.nationaldomesticviolencehelpline.org.uk.