Runner faces the ultimate for cancer

Fiona Heathcote was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.Fiona Heathcote was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.
Fiona Heathcote was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006.
Buxton cancer survivor Fiona Heathcote, 43, pictured here, is celebrating 10 years cancer free this year by taking on one of the UK's biggest sporting challenges and is calling on local runners to join her.

She will be putting her best foot forward in this year’s London Marathon and is raising funds to help Cancer Research UK beat cancer sooner.

Mother-of-one Fiona was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006 and underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy followed by a further 12 months of Herceptin treatment.

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As a way of regaining her fitness afterwards she decided to take up running, starting with a Race for Life 5k and then progressing to a 10k and in 2014 the Chester half-marathon.

Architect Fiona said: “Running helped me gain back my fitness, but also helped me recover mentally. Taking part in Race for Life and being in that environment with so many women who had been affected by cancer was such a moving experience.

“Looking back on my diagnosis it is still very emotional, but I want to use this year, my tenth cancer free, to celebrate life and give something back to Cancer Research UK by taking part in my first marathon.”

Fiona is now up to 17 miles in her training, using the flatter cycle paths around Buxton for her long weekend runs while she tackles the hilly local terrain during her shorter mid-week runs.

She said: “The hills are definitely helping build my stamina and I’m hoping that will all pay off on race day.

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