Strikes set to cause disruption in county

Local Government workers – including teaching assistants, social workers and street cleaners – are set to go on strike over pay.

Members of the public service union Unison will walkout on Thursday, July 10 because they are angry at a one per cent pay rise from the Government.

The strike will take place on the same day as teachers walkout over pensions and conditions.

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Mike Brown, Unison regional organiser for Derbyshire, said: “This year’s pay offer of one per cent is the last straw.

“After three consecutive years of pay freezes, followed by a below-inflation rise in 2013, this final offer has pushed staff to the edge.

“These staff provide essential services to their communities.

“They regularly give extra and go further to help the people they serve despite services being cut back, staff being made redundant and terms and conditions being stripped back.

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“After all these years our members deserve a decent pay rise.

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“They do the best for us and we should do the best by them,” he added.

A spokesman for Derbyshire County Council said the authority will ensure essential services go ahead on the day of the strike.

The news comes after firefighters across Derbyshire walked out for the 14th time on Saturday as part of their ongoing battle with the Government over pensions.

The Government insists firefighters have a good deal.