How to organise your fridge the Marie Kondo expert way

New data has revealed that the average spend on the weekly shop in Britain is up almost 20 per cent since lockdown started – despite the fact that overall, Brits have made 77 million fewer visits to the shop compared to the same period last year.

With the nation’s fridges bulging, Marie Kondo-certified expert Sue Spencer has produced tips on how to organise your fridge, .

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Sue, a professional home organiser , said: “It’s important to know how to store food products because not only does this make it easier for you to access what you need while preparing meals, but it also means your food will stay at optimum quality for longer.

“It’s likely that there’s some obscure, half used jars clogging up space in the fridge – so there’s no better time to spend an hour decluttering, cleaning and reorganising your fridge so it serves you better.”

Before organising your fridge, Sue recommends a full audit of your food products, so you start with a clean slate.

Sue’s tips for a top to bottom fridge audit include gathering all the contents of the fridge together and group into categories of similar items and then through each category and check use by/best before dates and remove anything that’s obviously past its best.

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Next, go through each category in turn and look at what you have, making decisions about whether it’s something you will definitely use in future or not.

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