More than 600 workers have been seriously injured in Amazon UK warehouses

Hundreds of workers have been seriously injured in accidents at Amazon warehouses in the UK, according to new figures from general trade union, GMB.

A Freedom of Information request by the union showed that there had been 622 serious injuries or near misses reported by Amazon to the Health and Safety Executive in the last three years.

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In 2019 alone, there were 240 incidents in the shipping giant’s UK warehouses reported to the government body.

The only injuries recorded in the figures are ones that forced workers to take a break from working for at least seven days, or ones that involved fractures, crushes, amputations, scalping, or burning.

Amazon is currently running TV adverts in the UK promoting the working conditions and morale in its warehouses.

GMB have called on MPs to begin a Parliamentary inquiry into conditions at the company. But a spokesperson for Amazon said GMB was one of a number of critics “determined to paint a false picture of what it’s like to work for Amazon.”

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‘Conditions are hellish’

Commenting on the release of the figures, Mick Rix, GMB national officer, said, "Amazon are spending millions on PR campaigns trying to persuade people its warehouses are great places to work. But the facts are there for all to see - things are getting worse.

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"Hundreds of stricken Amazon workers are needing urgent medical attention. Conditions are hellish. We've tried over and over again to get Amazon to talk to us to try and improve safety for workers. But enough is enough - it's now time for a full parliamentary inquiry."

‘Sensationalised allegations’

A spokesman for Amazon said, "Amazon is a safe place to work. Yet again, our critics seem determined to paint a false picture of what it's like to work for Amazon. They repeat the same sensationalised allegations time and time again.

"Our doors are open to the public, to politicians, and indeed to anyone who truly wants to see the modern, innovate and, most importantly, safe environment we provide to our people."