Shipwrecked is re-surfacing: how you can apply to be on the reality show comeback

Classic reality series Shipwrecked is set to return to our screens after seven years away - and you could be one of the contestants.

Channel 4 has opened casting for the return of the series, which will see two groups setting up camps on rivals islands: Shark Island, and Tiger Island.

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The two 'tribes' will compete to make their camp the biggest and the best, taking part in challenges and uncovering secrets, hidden treasures, and even traps to lure their foes into along the way.

Channel 4 are describing the rebooted version as "supercharged".

Are you 'totally extra'?

If that sounds like something you would like to be a part of, then you are in luck.

Applications are now open, and those looking to spend their summer on a sun-kissed island should head to for details.

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Producers are looking for somebody aged 18 - 30, who is "totally extra" (translation: 'a bit much'), has "strong opinions" and "the ability to hold their own during the experience of a lifetime".

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The show's return is likely a direct response to the popularity of ITV's Love Island (Photo: ITV)

"You'll make friends, memories, and possibly a bucket load of cash'¦ all while you tan to perfection!" says the casting call.

As of now there are no details as to when the series might air, but it will be filming this summer, and the series will consist of 15 hour-long episodes.

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Social experimentation

The original version of Shipwrecked was broadcast as part of Channel 4's 'T4' strand, a Saturday morning block of programming with a teenage audience in mind.

It brought together young competitors for what was essentially a popularity contest in paradise, presented as a "social experiment" by Channel 4.

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The concept of two competing islands was first introduced in the show's 2006 series - Shipwrecked: Battle of the Islands - and featured two teams competing with each other for new members, with the largest team winning a cash prize at the end.

The reboot has been commissioned for E4, and it's not unreasonable to think that the show's return could be a response to the unprecedented popularity of ITV's Love Island, which returns for a fourth series this summer.

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[Main image: Channel 4]