Buxton newcomers sparkle in Pavilion Gardens 5K race

Buxton AC'S Target 5K group complete their first 5K.Buxton AC'S Target 5K group complete their first 5K.
Buxton AC'S Target 5K group complete their first 5K.
Buxton Athletic Club members were in fine form at the popular Pavilion Gardens 5K at the weekend.

A sizeable field of 89 runners took part in ideal conditions, and included the latest batch of beginners from the Club’s Target 5K group.

A total of 14 graduates successfully completed the three-lap course, after a nine week training programme, and are all excited at the prospect of progressing to the 10K distance after their triumph at the 5K - a perfect start to their new running careers.

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Will Spalton was first home overall in the race in a time of 18.31, while Ashley Deeming of Heanor was second home, and first Male Vet 45, in 18.39.

Buxton’s Steve Watson, still training hard, took almost a minute off his January 5K time, claiming first Male Vet 55, in third position in a time of 19.13.

Talented Buxton AC Junior Jonty Brown was 11th overall, claiming first Junior Male position in 21.48, while the club’s Sienna Phillips was not only first Female home (16th overall) but first Junior Female too in a time of 23.24.

Second female and first FV 45 was Jasmin Reeves in 24.07, with Mia Jones third female home and first Junior Female in the 16 years age category.

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Buxton runners had a variety of other races to chose from last weekend, from the local fells out of Crowden or a tough fell race in mid-Wales, through to a scenic but testing 21-miler starting in the Peak District village of Grindleford.

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Lad’s Leap fell race, a 5.9 mile toughie with 1,700 feet of ascent, 800 of which greets the runners from the outset, isn’t an event for the faint-hearted and demands exceptional navigational skills. Some 116 experienced runners took part, and Buxton athletes displayed their mettle from the outset.

Sam Soles, Jake Fearn and Stu Diamond (second, fourth and 11th finishers respectively) claimed the Men’s team prize which was a great result.

David Fryer-Winder was next home in 52nd place, followed by Pete Bailey (69th), Tania Wilson (74th) and Heather Fryer-Winder (105th).

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The 21-mile Grindleford Gallop visits some of the prettiest Peak District villages throughout its hilly route, touching Froggat, Eyam, Great Hucklow, Edensor and Baslow before returning to Grindleford via Curbar and Froggat Edges.

Andy Lidstone, consoling himself after the cancellation of the Paris Marathon, finished strongly in 3 hours 35 minutes and 18 seconds (104th) from a field of 400 runners.

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Sheila Bradley was next home in 3.56.32, 178th and second Female Vet 60, followed by Katie Rolfe (210th in 4.06.10) and Rebecca Day (211th in 4.06.11).

Kate Phillips and Bev Golden took part as walkers, and were sixth and seventh overall from around 100 others, coming home in 4.57.01 and 4.57.10.

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Also walking the course was Mark Fitzgerald who finished in 5.28.52.

Over in Wales, at the Ras yr Aran 10 mile fell race, close to the beautiful Lake Bala, competitors were faced with a route taking them on unmarked fells over high mountainous terrain.

Junior Jacob Winfield led his Senior team mates home to finish in 72nd place, in a time of 1.42.01.

Rob White was 113th in 1.50.54, while Richard Goff was 296th in 2.46.04.

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