Boozed-up thug gets community order after attacking fiancée

Magistrates in County Durham were told puppy buyers had been misled.Magistrates in County Durham were told puppy buyers had been misled.
Magistrates in County Durham were told puppy buyers had been misled.
A booze-and-cannabis fuelled thug who grabbed his fiancée around the throat before she fell downstairs has been given a community order.

Chesterfield magistrates’ court heard on Wednesday, July 27, how Ryan Lee Jones, 21, formerly of Bacons Lane, Chesterfield, had consumed four cans of lager, two glasses of wine and smoked £10 of cannabis when he attacked Emily Fulwood.

Prosecuting solicitor Sarah Haslam told a previous hearing on July 13 that the complainant called police to say her fiancé had had her by the throat and police attended Bacons Lane and Jones was arrested for assault and other matters including possessing cannabis.

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The victim stated Jones had grabbed her by the throat with his arm and she could not breath, according to Ms Haslam, and he had pushed her forwards causing her to fall downstairs and she had banged her head on a concrete floor.

Ms Haslam added: “The complainant added that Jones had said ‘burn-baby-burn’ in relation to initial threats to burn the house down.”

Jones had returned to the property on the same day and also ripped the door off a kitchen unit, according to Ms Haslam, and he said he had been to the complainant’s mother’s to burn her house down.

Police confirmed Ms Fulwood had suffered a lump to her head, bruising to her left shoulder and left-upper arm and left elbow and scratches to her back.

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Jones, of no fixed abode, told police he had drunk four cans of lager, two glasses of wine and had smoked £10 worth of cannabis and had blacked-out and could not recall everything.

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But he accepted the cannabis had been his and that he had said he would set fire to the house but he said he had not meant it.

Jones added that he remembered arguing and falling downstairs with his arms around Ms Fulwood.

He pleaded guilty to assaulting Ms Fulwood by beating, causing criminal damage and possessing cannabis after the incident on June 24.

Magistrates sentenced Jones to a 12 month community order with a Rehabilitation Activity Requirement.

He was also fined £80 and ordered to pay an £85 victim surcharge and £85 costs.