Organisers apologise after traffic chaos blights Chatsworth Flower Show

Traffic for the Chatsworth RHS Flower Show queueing on the A621 between Sheffield and BaslowTraffic for the Chatsworth RHS Flower Show queueing on the A621 between Sheffield and Baslow
Traffic for the Chatsworth RHS Flower Show queueing on the A621 between Sheffield and Baslow
The organisers of the inaugural Chatsworth RHS Flower Show have apologised after major traffic problems blighted the first day of the event yesterday (Wednesday).

Motorists heading to the show were caught up in tailbacks on many roads in the area - including delays as far back as Chesterfield and on the A621 between Sheffield and Baslow.

Some people vented their anger on social media, criticising the traffic management for the event - which runs until Sunday.

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Now the Royal Horticultural Society, which is hosting the event, says it is ‘extremely sorry’ visitors experienced ‘severe delays’ getting to the show and apologised to local residents caught up in the gridlock.

The RHS blamed the problems on extreme weather earlier in the week which ‘significantly affected’ how quickly cars could park on the rain-soaked ground.

A spokesman said: “As further rain is forecast, we anticipate some delays will be unavoidable and are taking a number of measures aimed at improving the situation.

“These include swifter access to the car parks, increased parking spaces and additional staff to enable faster parking on the grass. For our visitors coming by train, there will be more shuttle buses travelling to-and-from Chesterfield station and the show ground.”

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Organisers are encouraging visitors to stagger their arrival times and travel outside the anticipated peak hour of 9-10am.

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“We will also open the car parks by 8am (the show opens at 10am) and would urge visitors coming by car to consider arriving early,” the spokesman added.

They say anyone who was unable to make it to the show on Wednesday because of the traffic is welcome to return to the show on another day of their choice, request a refund or receive a free ticket to the RHS Flower Show Tatton Park.

Those who were unable to take up their restaurant booking because of the traffic will also receive a complete refund.

For more details, email [email protected].